I am a dog trainer and walker based in South Orange County California. I graduated ABC's Dog Trainer Program with honors in 2012. I started my own business to help people and their dogs lead happier more balanced lives together.
Growing up in Southern California my family always had pets: cats, dogs, rabbits, snakes. I love all animals. I was bitten by a dog as an eight year old and went through a period of time where I learned to be afraid of dogs. I eventually grew past it and it has given me a particularly sympathetic perspective and tempered my enthusiasm with wisdom.
By the time I was a teenager my family rescued two dogs CJ and Dane. I always considered them mine and eventually when I moved out on my own they moved with me. They were both Great Dane mixes and over 100 lbs each. They taught me a lot and gave me a lot of happiness for many years.
Now I am married and my husband and I rescued a Lab/Border Collie mix from a local shelter. She is still young but learning to be a great dog and teaching me to be a better trainer.