ABC Veterinary Assistant Program
Student of the Month
December 2014
Deborah White
Deborah White currently lives in Joppatowne, Maryland, with her daughter, 10 cats and a dog. She works for Blue Buffalo Pet Food Company. In her spare time, Deborah does some pet sitting and dog walking.
What prompted you to become a veterinary assistant?
After too many years of sitting in an office, being very bored and feeling like I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do, I quit my job of almost 28 years and decided to do something that made me happy instead of doing what I was expected to do.
Was there a specific event, circumstance or person who inspired you to pursue this career?
I was out on medical leave last year and had a lot of time to do some soul searching. A dear friend of mine I used to sing with asked me if I could do anything I wanted to and money was no object, what would I want to do? I thought about it and said I wasn’t exactly sure, but knew it would have something to do with animals because that is when I’m truly happy.
What has been your most rewarding moment during your externship?
Everyday that I walked into my externship location was rewarding because I had an opportunity to work with some of the most dedicated, caring and compassionate people I’ve ever met. One of the most rewarding aspects involves a little kitten I’ve been fostering. He came into the clinic at about 2- to 3-days-old. He was in pretty rough shape and the doctor wasn’t sure he’d make it. She took him home over the weekend and cared for him. Then, when she brought him back the following Monday and I cat-napped him, he’s been with me ever since. I’ve got him weaned and using the litter box and he will go to his new daddy in a couple of weeks. He’s a beautiful boy.
How did you hear about the ABC Veterinary Assistant Program and what convinced you to become certified?
I saw an advertisement online and decided to give them a call. I wound up talking with Marla. She was delightful and very positive and encouraging.
What has your experience been like in the vet assistant program?
I’ve had a very positive experience. I like the flexibility of being able to study at my own convenience while doing all of the other necessary things in my life. All of the staff I’ve had contact with has been very helpful and encouraging.
What are your future career plans?
My goal is to move to Kanab, Utah, to work for Best Friends Animal Society. I am inspired by the work they do and they are part of the reason I decided to become a veterinary assistant. I know it’s a position that can be widely utilized in a rescue. I volunteer locally with a couple of rescue organizations and would love to pursue further that career path. I also see myself continuing my education with the goal of becoming an RVT.