Celebrate National Cat Herders Day!
It really isn’t has hard to do as you think.
If you are suffering from the feeling of losing gravity and find yourself spinning off into the blue yonder, you are not alone. This—among other reasons— is why a California couple, who obviously understands this state of helpless chaos, stepped forward and created a special day, declaring December 15 as National Cat Herders Day.
The expression “ It’s like herding cats” is meant to describe a seemingly impossible task—just like herding independent-minded felines….
Frankly, National Cat Herders Day is simply a good reason to stop what you are doing, open a bottle of pinot grigio, sit down on the couch and enjoy the vino, preferably with a cat on your lap.
I am not too sure where the cat reference even comes from. Yes, I know cats can be independent and pretty much have their own routines based around arranging themselves in as many sleeping positions as it’s possible to achieve in a 16-hour stretch. However, if you are going to take the action of herding cats quite literally, it’s really a very easy thing to do. Simply take a bag of treats and shake it; cats will coming running from wherever they are. Moreover, if you do the Hansel and Gretel thing of dropping treats as you walk, they will simply follow you—until you run out of treats.
It’s worth noting that if you are suffering from end-of-year chaos, the power of the purr has been medically proven to be not only relaxing but a preventative measure for a heart attack. Yes, if you live with a cat you stand a 40 percent less chance of having a heart attack (all other factors being equal, of course). In addition, if you have your own mini herd of cats, well even better.
For anyone seriously considering an attempt at herding cats, stop and take a moment to watch this You Tube video. Admittedly, it is an advertisement , but it says it all. Happy holidays!
About the Author: Sandy Robins is the 2013 winner of the “Excellence in Journalism and Outstanding Contribution to the Pet Industry Award.” Her work appears on many of the country’s leading pet platforms, such as MSNBC.com, MSN.com and TODAYShow.com. She is a regular contributor and columnist in multiple national and international publications, including Cat Fancy, as well as the author of the award-winning books “Fabulous Felines: Health and Beauty Secrets for the Pampered Cat” and “For The Love of Cats.” Learn more about Sandy on her website or Facebook page. #welovecats